The entire quiz question bank (Double only)! This quiz pulls questions at random from the entire Double-only question-bank Loading... 1. Explain why metals are good conductors of electricityMetals have positive ions which can moveMetals have layers of ions that can slide over each otherMetals have delocalised protons which can moveMetals have delocalised electrons which are free to moveQuestion 1 of 10 Loading... 2. Are neutralisation reactions exothermic or endothermic?ExothermicDepends on the temperature of the surroundingsDepends on the reagentsEndothermicQuestion 2 of 10 Loading... 3. Explain why atoms are neutralThe numbers of electrons and neutrons are equalThe number of electrons is evenThe numbers of electrons and protons are equalThe numbers of protons and neutrons are equalQuestion 3 of 10 Loading... 4. Recall a use of bitumenSurfacing roadsFuel for lorriesFuel for shipsFuel for aeroplanesQuestion 4 of 10 Loading... 5. In the test for carbonate ions, what result shows they are present?cream precipitatewhite precipitatebubbles formlimewater goes cloudyQuestion 5 of 10 Loading... 6. What reactant is used to produce a sample of oxygen in the lab?watermanganese oxidemagnesium oxidehydrogen peroxideQuestion 6 of 10 Loading... 7. How many neutrons in a typical atom of sulfur?15423216Question 7 of 10 Loading... 8. State the solubility rule for sulfate saltsall sulfates are insolubleall sulfates are insoluble, except those of sodium, potassium and ammoniumall sulfates are soluble, except those of lead, barium and calciumall sulfates are solubleQuestion 8 of 10 Loading... 9. What is the atomic number of a boron atom?101156Question 9 of 10 Loading... 10. Which is more reactive: lithium, magnesium, silver or calcium?calciummagnesiumsilverlithiumQuestion 10 of 10 Loading... Related Posts:The entire quiz question bank!Key Calculations quizEquilibria (triple) quizCondensation Polymers quizElectrolysis quizAlcohols & Carboxylic Acids quiz Hydr0Gen2022-03-09T21:20:41+00:00Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: Quiz| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail