1. State the units of molar enthalpy change.

Question 1 of 16

2. What is meant by the term exothermic?

Question 2 of 16

3. Use Q=mcΔT and c=4.18J/°C/g. 25cm³ of sulfuric acid is put into a boiling tube. The starting temperature is 21°C. A spatula of iron filings is added. After a while the temperature reaches 33°C. What is the total heat energy change?

Question 3 of 16

4. Are displacement reactions exothermic or endothermic?

Question 4 of 16

5. What is meant by the term endothermic?

Question 5 of 16

6. When a solid dissolves, is this process exothermic or endothermic?

Question 6 of 16

7. In an endothermic reaction, which is greater: the energy taken in when breaking bonds or the energy released when bonds are made?

Question 7 of 16

8. In a calorimetry experiment to investigate the heat energy released by the combustion of ethanol, why should the water in the calorimeter be stirred?

Question 8 of 16

9. Is breaking bonds exothermic or endothermic?

Question 9 of 16

10. Use Q=mcΔT and c=4.18J/°C/g. A strip of magnesium is added to a beaker with 200cm³ of copper (II) sulfate. The temperature starts at 21.7°C and rises to a maximum of 23.1°C. What is the total heat energy change?

Question 10 of 16

11. In a combustion calorimetry experiment, 0.78g of ethanol (C₂H₅OH) produced 12,540 J of heat energy. Calculate the molar enthalpy change.

Question 11 of 16

12. Explain why experimental values of enthalpy change differ from theoretical values

Question 12 of 16

13. What does this diagram represent?

Question 13 of 16

14. What does the symbol ΔH mean

Question 14 of 16

15. In a chemical reaction, 250 kJ/mol is taken to break all the bonds and 280 kJ/mol is released when new bonds are formed. What is the overall molar enthalpy of the reaction?

Question 15 of 16

16. In a chemical reaction, the overall molar enthalpy is -87 kJ/mol. Is this reaction exothermic or endothermic?

Question 16 of 16