1. What two observations can be made when a metal reacts with an acid?

Question 1 of 14

2. When magnesium burns in air, is the oxide acidic or basic?

Question 2 of 14

3. What is a base?

Question 3 of 14

4. Describe the test for carbon dioxide gas

Question 4 of 14

5. What is the universal indicator colour of a strongly alkali solution?

Question 5 of 14

6. Is iron (III) hydroxide acidic or basic?

Question 6 of 14

7. What is the formula for iron (III) nitride

Question 7 of 14

8. What is an acid?

Question 8 of 14

9. With universal indicator, what is the pH of a green solution?

Question 9 of 14

10. Which are described as acidic: metal oxides or non-metal oxides?

Question 10 of 14

11. State the formula of the hydrogen ion

Question 11 of 14

12. Write the word and chemical equation for the thermal decompostion of calcium carbonate, CaCO₃

Question 12 of 14

13. State the colour of litmus in acidic and alkaline solutions

Question 13 of 14

14. What do each of the following state symbols represent: (s), (l), (g), (aq)

Question 14 of 14